Not-So-Eventful November!

November Volunteer Hours: 3 Semester Volunteer Hours: 19 This month, I volunteered at the hospital once during the first week of November. Unfortunately, The rest of the month was spent out of town so that was all the volunteering that I did this month. I spent over a week in my hometown, Houston, for Thanksgiving break and it was honestly a time of rest for me! Prior to going back home, we finished up our Cardiovascular unit and breezed through our Renal/Pulmonary unit. I enjoy learning about medications that effect each system, their benefits and side effects and when to use them. Around this time of the semester, I just need a constant reminder to not get lazy until Christmas Break because that's when the semester really ends. I semi-struggled through the Renal/Pulmonary unit simply because my mind was telling me that the semester was over and that I was on break even though that was not tru just yet. Despite such, I persevered through those units. Gratefully we now have 1 more ...