Jubilating January

January Volunteer Hours: 6 Semester Volunteer Hours: 6 I have made it through my first 2 weeks back since the break, and I have made it through the 1st month in the new year! This definitely calls for celebration. Since I've been back, I've volunteered at Touro on Thursday's from 4-7pm. Last semester was great but I know this semester will be much better. I've gotten a hang of living alone in a new city and how to properly navigate studying for the exams in this program. I am so confident for this semester, especially since I will be graduating in just a few months. As we approach graduation, of course I still need to fulfill the requirements and units of this semester. Currently, we are on the reproductive unit. Luckily, this is one of my fields of interest so I'm not having any problems understanding everything. I seem to have gotten the hang with med Pharm but I definitely need to get a grip on my other classes being that there are so many presentations this sem...