My Marvelous March

March Volunteer Hours: 6

Semester Volunteer Hours:18

I can't believe it's already the end of March and that we only have approximately 1 month lest until the last day of class. In just one month, I will be a new graduate (once again) and a masters degree holder! I am so excited. This semester was so much better than last semester for me academically, mentally, financially, socially and much more. I have learned so much within this 1 year in this program. We just finished our psychopharmacology unit last week and I was nervous for it because of my lack of a neurology background, but I did fairly well once again. That was our last medical pharmacology unit! As stated in my last post, I have definitely mastered studying for med Pharm and I am so happy about that accomplishment. I feel like it will help me greatly in medical school! We are now studying for the NBME and I am nervous for this exam simply because of the content overload. It will contain every med Pharm topic that we covered this school year. I have about 2 weeks until the exam but I've already started forming a plan on how to study and formulate my ideas so that I don't crunch right before the exam. We also have one more cellular control mechanisms exam during the last week of classes, and I have 2 more presentations approaching before I am completely done with the semester. Although the semester and programs vastly coming to an end, I need to remember not to slack off because we're not quite done yet! Lastly, I've volunteered at Touro for two shifts this month, both for 3 hours each. I loved my time volunteering but that time will also now be coming to an end! New Orleans has definitely fulfilled the "adventure away from home" that I was initially seeking post- undergrad and I'm so grateful to be successfully moving on to my next adventure.


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